With a diverse range of applications, zinc oxide is one of the most versatile compounds in various industries such as pharmaceuticals, cosmetics, rubbers, self-care products and also ceramics. There are several ways that can be done to create zinc oxide for those industries, and one of the most popular zinc oxide production is called the American process.
The Indirect Process
The American process for zinc oxide is also called the indirect process. Just like the French process, this is also the most common way to produce zinc oxide for various industries and fields. While the French process involves a furnace where zinc metal is being melted and vaporized, the American process will use the combustion of zinc vapor instead.
This zinc vapor would be created after the process of thermal decomposition of raw materials which are containing zinc such as zinc residues or zinc ores. In this zinc oxide production, the combustion process would create zinc oxide fumes which would be collected and then cooled.
After the fumes are cooled, zinc oxide particles would be formed. Then, the particles would be further refined and purified in order for them to get the desired and specific qualities and characteristics for different industries.
Favored for Large-Scale Productions
While the French process is quite expensive, the American process is cheaper than that due do the lower production cost and energy efficiency. This is why the American process is often favored than the French process for large-scale productions for different industries.
While this zinc oxide production is often favored, the qualities of zinc oxide produced is arguably still lower than the French process. This is why for industries such as pharmaceuticals and cosmetics where superior zinc oxide is needed, the French process is still considered the best process.